This is the last week of school.  ISTEP and IREAD are over!  Mrs. Walz says we are ready to go to 4th grade, but we will miss her.  We have learned so much this year and we want to thank you Mrs. Walz
This week , we did the math rumble (that is where we get a chance to show our parents how much we know multiplication facts). We compete boys against the girls. We get banana splits if we learn  our multiplication facts. We get a part of the banana split for every "times" test we past. We also did "Walz Idol". We got to pick a song and sing it in front of the class.  We also learned about different kinds of fractions this week. It was a busy week.

This week we are talking about the three types of rocks Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic rocks. We are also talking about minerals.